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- The Game of Twenty-One
- All Materials (c) Copyright 1992, Villa Crespo Software, Inc.
- All Rights Reserved.
- Villa Crespo Software, Inc. -- 1725 McGovern Street -- Highland Park, IL 60035
- Telephone: (708) 433-0500
- Blackjack is one of the most popular games in casinos around the world.
- DR. THORP'S MINI BLACKJACK offers every option you're likely to
- encounter in a casino, lets you alter the house rules for the game, and
- teaches you the basics of blackjack strategy and card counting. It's all
- the fun of real casino gambling without the risk to your bank account!
- The object of blackjack is to form a hand totaling as close to 21 points as
- possible, without going over, while trying to beat the dealer's total.
- (Cards 2 through 10 are worth their numerical value, face cards are worth 10,
- and Aces are worth 1 or 11.)
- If the player goes over 21 (called a BUST), the
- player automatically loses the bet no matter what cards the dealer draws. Any
- player whose points total more than the dealer's (without exceeding 21) WINs.
- If the dealer's cards total more than a player's, the player LOSEs the bet. A
- PUSH occurs when the player and dealer tie, and the player neither wins nor
- loses. BLACKJACK occurs when the player's first two cards total 21. A
- blackjack usually pays back 1 and 1/2 times the bet.
- After booting up MINI BLACKJACK, the first thing that will appear on your
- screen is the Main Menu. To make any selection, press the corresponding
- Function button or use the mouse to click the hand icon over the selection.
- [F1] DEAL Deal the cards
- [F2] SET-UP Set up a hand or session
- [F10] QUIT Return to DOS
- The [F4] F/X, [F5] TIME, [F6] STATS, and [F8] SHUFFLE options will be
- explained later in the manual in the section titled "MAIN MENU OPTIONS."
- To select the number of players, press [F2] in the Main Menu to move to the
- Set-Up Menu.
- [F1] - PLAYER 1 - Activate or deactivate player
- [F6] PLAYER 6
- [F10] EXIT Return to Main Menu
- For each player [F1] - [F6] that you select, you will be able to choose from
- the following options:
- [F1] SITOUT Don't play the next hand
- [F2] MANUAL Play the next hand
- [F4] BANKROLL Change the amount of money the player has
- [F10] EXIT Return to Set-Up Menu
- To activate a player, press [F2] or click on MANUAL. To increase the player's
- bankroll, press [F4]. In the window that appears under the player's number on
- the blackjack table, type in any dollar amount up to $999,999 and press
- [ENTER]. To deactivate a player, press [F1]. Press [F10] to return to the
- Set-Up Menu.
- We'll discuss the [F7] HOUSE and [F9] RECALL options in the Set-Up Menu
- later in the manual. For now, to get right into the game, press [F10] to
- return to the Main Menu. Then press [F1] to DEAL the cards.
- Before the next hand is dealt, each active player has 4 options:
- [F1] $5 Bet $5 on next hand
- [F2] $500 Bet $500 on next hand
- [F4] LAST $ Bet same $ as player bet on previous hand
- [F5] SITOUT Don't play next hand
- For each player being manually controlled, a window will appear on the MINI
- BLACKJACK table. Each window displays the player's current BANKROLL,
- the LAST $ BET on the previous hand, the RESULT of the last hand, and a
- panel labeled BET with a flashing asterisk. Each player can place a bet by
- pressing [F1], [F2], or [F4], or by typing in any amount and pressing [ENTER].
- After the betting, the dealer deals two up cards to each player and one down
- card and one up card to itself. The window for each player now shows the
- player's cards and their current total. The player now has a new set of
- options:
- [F1] STAND Do not take any more cards
- [F2] HIT Take another card
- [F3] DOUBLE Double your wager and take one more card
- [F4] SPLIT Split hand into two separate hands
- [F5] SURRND Surrender (give up on hand)
- The [F9] COUNT and [F10] TUTOR options will be explained later.
- If you have BLACKJACK (an Ace plus a 10 or any face card), you
- automatically win and the computer moves on to the next player. If you do
- not have blackjack but are still satisfied with your hand, select STAND to
- proceed to the next player.
- To receive an additional card, select HIT. You may hit as many times as you
- like as long as you don't go over 21. Select STAND when you are satisfied
- with your point total. If you go over 21 (BUST), you automatically lose your
- wager and the computer deals to the next player.
- The DOUBLE Down option is only available after the first two cards of your
- hand or any split hand are dealt. When you double down you double the
- amount you have wagered and receive one (and only one) more card.
- You can SPLIT your hand if the first two cards you are dealt have the same
- point value. This creates two separate hands, and you automatically bet the
- same amount of money on each hand that you wagered before the deal. After
- the dealer gives you your second card for each split hand, you can split each
- hand a second time if the cards have the same value. Continue to play each
- hand until you bust or decide to stand. NOTE: On split Aces you are only dealt
- one additional card on each Ace.
- SURRENDERing means that you are giving up on winning this hand. You can
- surrender only after your first two cards have been dealt. In such a case
- you lose only half your original bet.
- After the last player stands, busts, or surrenders, the dealer turns over his
- down card. If the dealer has fewer than 17 points, it deals additional cards
- to itself until it has 17 or more points or busts.
- Finally, the results of each hand are shown. If the dealer busts, all players
- who have not already busted or surrendered WIN, and the amount of money bet
- is added to each player's bankroll. Any player whose points total more than
- the dealer's also WINs. If the dealer's cards total more than a player's, the
- player LOSEs the bet. A PUSH occurs when the player and dealer tie, and the
- player neither wins nor loses any money.
- After all the results are displayed, MINI BLACKJACK returns to the Main
- Menu. Press [F1] to deal another hand.
- That's the basic game. Read on to learn about other features that will make
- MINI BLACKJACK even more fun.
- Insurance
- INSURANCE is an option available to the player after receiving the first two
- cards if the dealer's up card is an Ace. Before any more cards are dealt, the
- dealer asks each player if insurance is desired against the possibility of a
- dealer blackjack. Press [F9] to see the card COUNT or [F10] for advice from
- the TUTOR.
- If you want to TAKE insurance, press [F1]. You have now put up a side bet,
- equal to 1/2 of your original bet, that the dealer has blackjack. If the
- dealer does indeed have blackjack and you do not, you win back the insurance
- bet at 2 to 1 but lose your original bet. If you and the dealer both have
- blackjack, you win back the insurance and push on the original bet. If the
- dealer doesn't have blackjack, play continues as normal.
- If you want to IGNORE the dealer's offer for insurance, press [F2]. If the
- dealer has blackjack, the player loses immediately. Otherwise, play continues
- as normal.
- Hidden Blackjack
- A HIDDEN BLACKJACK occurs when the dealer has a 10 or face card
- showing and an Ace down. If a player also has a blackjack, the result is a
- PUSH. All other players lose their original bets. However, any additional bets
- made during splitting or doubling down are returned to the players.
- F/X. Pressing the [F4] button in the Main Menu takes you into the F/X Menu.
- To change the game speed, press [F1]. Then press one of the keys from [F1]
- (fastest) to [F10] (slowest). Press [F2] to change the sound option, then
- press [F1] to turn sound off, [F2] to turn sound on, or [F10] to return to
- the F/X Menu. When you're done, press [F10] to return to the Main Menu.
- Time. Press [F5] in the Main Menu to display the current time, day, and date
- onscreen. Press [F10] to return to the Main Menu.
- Stats. Press [F6] in the Main Menu to see the statistics of all active
- players. The Statistics screen displays such important categories as hands,
- splits, and doubles won, lost, and pushed. Press [F10] to return to the
- Main Menu.
- Shuffle. You can have the dealer shuffle the deck or decks before any deal by
- pressing [F8] in the Main Menu.
- By pressing [F7] in the Set-Up Menu, you can access the two menus of House
- Rules. Press [F8] to toggle between the Level 1 and Level 2 menus. Press T
- to print out the current House Rules and [F10] to escape to the Set-Up Menu.
- Level 1 House Rules
- [F1] SHOE CONTENTS. Use the [F1] to [F8] keys to choose the number of decks
- in the dealer's "shoe" (the object the shuffled cards are dealt from).
- [F2] ON SOFT 17 DEALER: Press [F1] for STANDS and [F2] for HITS.
- "Soft 17" refers to any hand totaling 17 in which an Ace counts as 11.
- [F3] SPLIT PAIRS & TENS. If [F1] is selected, players will not be allowed to
- split hands. [F2] allows players to split once. [F3] allows players to split
- again once after splitting the initial hand. [F4] allows the players to split
- once again a hand that has already been split twice.
- [F4] DBL DWN SPLIT HANDS. Press [F2] to allow doubling down on split hands.
- [F1] cancels this option.
- [F5] ON DEALER TIES YOU: If [F1] is pressed, the player will lose when he
- ties with the dealer. If [F2] is selected, a tie results in a push.
- [F6] BLACKJACK PAYS: Select the payoff for of a player blackjack: [F1] for
- EVEN money, [F2] for 3 TO 2 (most common in casinos), or [F4] for 2 TO 1.
- Level 2 House Rules
- [F1] DEALER SHOWING TEN. In some casinos, when the dealer's up card is a 10
- or face card, the dealer is instructed to look at the down card before dealing
- any more cards. If the dealer has blackjack, the hand ends immediately. To
- select this option, press [F1] LOOK. To play normally, press [F2] NOLOOK.
- [F2] DBL DOWN 2+ CARDS. In the default mode, ([F1] 2 ONLY) players can only
- double down after the first 2 cards are dealt. Press [F2] DBL 2+ to allow
- players to double down on more than 2 cards.
- [F3] CARD DISPLAY. Press [F1] to display all of the players' cards in the
- initial deal face DOWN. Press [F2] to deal the cards face UP.
- [F4] RED PENETRATION. This determines how far into the deck(s) the dealer
- will go before shuffling the cards. Press a key between [F1] and [F9] to
- choose a percentage between 50 % and 90 %.
- [F5] CHARLIES. The player automatically wins if dealt 5 or 6 cards without
- busting. Press [F2] for 5 CARD or [F3] for 6 CARD Charlies. [F1] turns off
- this option.
- [F6] BETTING LIMITS. To enter a different minimum bet allowed, type a number
- and press [ENTER]. Do the same to enter a new maximum bet.
- The computerized tutor that's built into MINI BLACKJACK bases its
- advice on statistically-derived tables that have been compiled over years
- by mathematicians and professional blackjack players. The original and
- still most widely used tables are those created by Dr. Edward Thorp in
- the early 1960s. (If you'd like to study these tables, you can access them
- through the [F9] COUNT command during the play of a hand. See the
- section on "THE BASIC STRATEGY TABLES" for details.) These
- tables are the basis of any successful strategy for winning blackjack.
- Playing with the computer tutor will help you learn the strategy you will
- need to be successful at a real casino blackjack table.
- To ask the computer tutor for advice, press [F10] after you have been
- dealt your cards or after you have been dealt any subsequent cards. The
- computer will indicate the statistically best course of action by lighting
- up the STAND, HIT, DOUBLE, SPLIT, or SURRND button.
- If you want to follow the tutor's advice, press the key indicated by the
- computer. To ignore its advice, just press the key that's appropriate to
- whatever play you wish to make.
- Just as important as playing your cards properly is the skill to bet properly.
- One way to get an edge on the dealer is to COUNT CARDS. The advantage of
- keeping an accurate card count is that it tells you how valuable the cards
- remaining in the shoe are.
- The Card Count is computed by counting the cards as they become visible to
- the player. To count, start off at 0 whenever the deck is shuffled. When you
- see an Ace, 10, or face card, deduct 1. When you see a 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6,
- add 1. When you see a 7, 8, or 9, ignore it.
- The running count will fluctuate between negative and positive. As an
- example, suppose you have been dealt a 6 and a 7 from a newly shuffled deck.
- The dealer's up card is a 3. The count would now be +2. Your 6 makes it +1,
- the 7 is ignored, and the dealer's 3 makes it +2. If the player next to you
- is showing an Ace and a 9, the count would then be +1, since you deduct 1
- point for the Ace and ignore the 9.
- When the count is positive, the shoe contains more valuable cards than bad
- ones. The higher the count, the better the cards. A deck rich in valuable
- cards has been statistically proven to favor the player. A card-counting
- player will take advantage of this by making larger bets when the count is
- positive and smaller "token" bets when the count is 0 or negative.
- Knowing the card count can also influence your decision to STAND, HIT, and
- so on. For example, suppose you are holding a 7 and an 8, for a total of 15
- points. Normally, basic strategy would tell you to HIT the hand if the dealer
- is showing a 7 or higher card. But suppose the count is +6, indicating a high
- percentage of 10s and face cards still unplayed. A system based on card
- counting would likely suggest STANDing on such a hand. (Note: The
- computer tutor and the statistical tables do not take card counting data into
- account.)
- The Deck Count is a refinement of the card count that relates it to the
- number of decks left in the shoe. It is calculated by dividing the card count
- by the number of decks unplayed. For example, imagine there are approximately
- 2 unplayed decks in a 6-deck shoe. The current card count is +6. Using the
- above formula, the deck count would be +3. In another example, if there is
- 1/2 a deck left and the card count is +3, the deck count would be +6.
- The Hi-Low Index is one of the most exact methods of card counting. It is
- calculated by dividing the card count by the number of cards unplayed and
- multiplying that figure by 100. This method requires the player to always be
- aware of the exact number of cards not yet dealt.
- You can see the card COUNT as well as the deck count and the hi-low index by
- pressing [F9] during a hand. The window will also show you the percentages
- of each card denomination remaining in the shoe, as well as whether each card
- would HURT, HELP, or BUST your hand. Press [F10] to return to the game.
- The basic strategy tables provide valuable data on whether you should HIT,
- STAND, or so on during particular hands. To see the tables, press [F9] after
- any deal, then press the [F1] STYLE key. Press [F7] NXTTBL to flip through the
- 5 tables. Press [F10] to EXIT to the game.
- The numbers along the top of each grid represent the total of the player's
- cards, while the numbers along the left side represent the dealer's up card.
- The letters inside the grid tell you whether you should HIT, STAND,
- DOUBLE DOWN, or SPLIT, for each combination of the player's and dealer's cards.
- Table #1 shows the strategy for when a player has 2 cards, neither of which is
- an Ace, and they are not of equal value. Such hands are called hard hands.
- Table #2 shows when a player has two cards, one being an Ace. These are
- called soft hands.
- Table #3 is for hands of 3 or more cards, with an Ace, if present,
- representing a 1. These are also hard hands.
- Table #4 is for 3 or more cards, with an Ace, if present, counting as 11 or 1.
- These are also soft hands.
- Table #5 advises the player whether or not to split cards of equal value.
- When you press [F10] to QUIT from the Main Menu, you will be given three
- options. To simply exit to DOS, press [F8] NOSAVE. To GOBACK to the Main
- Menu, press [F10]. To save your statistics from the current SESSN (session),
- press [F7]. Type in a name for the file in the "Save File" window and press
- [ENTER]. You will then return to the Quit Menu. To RECALL a previously
- saved session, press [F9] in the Set-Up Menu. Use the [F1] and [F2] keys to
- select a session and press [F9] to LOAD it. [F10] returns you to the Set-Up
- Menu.
- Villa Crespo Software designed MINI BLACKJACK for entertainment use. The
- suggested techniques offered by the tutor and in the statistical tables are
- consistent with many commonly accepted practices for playing potentially
- successful blackjack. However, please keep in mind that: No claims are made
- that this game exhibits the only successful or even the most successful of
- all available techniques for playing blackjack. No claims are made that use
- of this game or its suggested techniques will necessarily enhance your ability
- to play better blackjack. Should you choose to use any of the techniques in
- this game during real competition, you do so at your own risk. This game is
- intended for entertainment use only. Use of this game for wagering purposes
- may be prohibited by your local laws.
- We hope you get many hours of enjoyment out of MINI BLACKJACK!